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Under the social economical conditions prevailing in India the child born out of wedlock is not acceptable either by the unwed mother or widow who has given birth to that child or by the putative father. The unwed mother is subjected to severe moral scrutiny and looked down as a cursed sinner. She is subject to boycott from all corners. No sympathy is given to her for the circumstance which lead her to unwanted pregnancy which may be either due to ignorance or due to false hope that putative father might enter into legal wedlock. This hope coaxes pregnancy to advance which after some time becomes un-abortable and is thus carried to full term secretly. The child thus born is thrown into sewage or is abandoned in a lonely place or in fences. Such children are abandoned for their no fault, they need a mother to care & love them. The caring mother can only share the sorrows with them. They are immediately required to be placed with family environment for their proper development and rehabilitation.


Besides, there are number of children in India, who are either orphans or destitute. They not only have roof over their head and go to bed with hungry stomach but they are deprived of love, care which they need so much in their formative life. Especially destitute girl's position is worse than boys. Unlike a son's birth, a girl child's birth does not evoke feeling of happiness and amusement. She is always considered as a liability, a burden and not a support. Even the girls feel an inferiority complex since she is considered no answer to her parent's aspiration. When either of parents dies, such girls lead a miserable life. Not to say of their education, sometimes these girls are pushed into every possible earning activity. These girls require integration into society. They should get the basic rights to have food, shelter health education and safe future.

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